Saturday, June 11, 2005

A to Z Words

This is harder than I thought it would be....

a = ambitious, adaptible (remember to check spelling)
b =
c = caring, creative, confident, considerate
d = dependable
e = energetic, easy-going, ethical
f = fun, fair, flexible
g = gregarious
h = happy, helpful
i = intelligent
j = jovial
k = kind
l = loving
m = mom
n = nutty
o = organized, outgoing, open-minded
p = passionate, prepared, persistant
q = quiet
r = responsible
s = stable
t =
u =
v =
w =
x =
y = young (at heart)
z =


Nicole White said...

F-FUNKY! Fried! Flippin'-A
N-Naughty ;)

Andrea Cox said...

b = beautiful
g = giddy at times
q = quite intrigued by men and boobs in the SF chat room, LMAO!
t = talented
w = wild about stamping!

jessica said...

I = think it's time to update your blog!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing as Jess. Where's a recent update woman????!!!!

Owner said...

a = adorable
b =
c = cute
d = darling, daughter, dad
e = exquisite
f = funny
g = goofy, giggle
i = irresistible
j = joy
k = kiss
m = memories
n = nice, new
o = original
p = precious
q = quick
s = weet
t = tiny
u = unique
w = wonder